Emison (David) Cemetery
In Ed Linn Survey miles northwest of Victoria on property of S. F. Ruschhaupt
Jr. - Lower Mission Valley Road (FM 1685 (in 1969)). Cemetery unfenced. Brush
grown - stones broken and knocked over by cattle. Plot badly in need of attention
(August 1969). Three cypress post[s]- eight inches by eight inches and six feet
high still remain.
Grave Site Number Born Died
1. Emison, James S. (age 78) 1819, 3-28-1896
2. Emison, Mary (Wife of James Emison) 11-30-1832, 1-16-1897
Grave Site Number
1. Emison, John 12-25-1793, 7-16-1871
2. Emison, Ann 3-6-1795, 7-18-1859
3. Emison, George E. (Civil War Veteran) 9-18-1833, 7-25-1878
4. Emison, Sallie W. (Wife of George E.) 12-4-1843, 2-10-1913
5.Emison, Gertrude E. 5-6-1871
5. Double stone marked baby daughter of Gertrude E. Emison 5-6-1871