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Victoria Regional History Center

Regional History Resource Depository

The UHV Library is one of twenty five depositories established by the Regional Historical Resource Depository program of the Archives and Information Services Division of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission.

The RHRD depositories operate under Chapter 441.153, Subchapter J, Government Code to "provide for an orderly, uniform state-wide system for the professional retention and preservation of historical resources in the region of their origin or interest". Records in the depositories have fulfilled their administrative and legal value, but are still of historical importance. The RHRD collects, preserves, and makes these resources available for public use. The use of records is available free of charge; however, records may not be loaned or removed from the library.

List of Depositories (RHRDs)

On deposit in the UHV Library are the non-current, historically valuable records of Victoria, Calhoun, DeWitt, Goliad, Gonzales, and Jackson counties. Inventories and other finding aids for the paper RHRD holdings of our library are available at the Victoria Regional History Center.